Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine Dear patients,
Dear colleagues,
Ladies and Gentlmen,
Anesthesiology education group was set up after the establishment of the faculty of medicine and subordinated hospitals. At the beginning, most activities were focused on medical services, and then it moved gradually towards the training of assistants. Due to the new nature of the anesthesiology field, it gradually grew and developed the expansion and development strategy. Department of Anesthesiology of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences started its official activities in 2016 by recruiting anesthesiology residents. This department includes three fields of pediatric anesthesia, pain and palliative medicine, and intensive care medicine and accepts resident fellowships and subspecialties in these fields. Currently, this department includes 32 numbers of academic staff, professors and associate professors. This department has a research team and has always been one of the top groups in the field of research at the university. Currently, residents of maxillofacial surgery, dentistry, emergency department, neurology, bachelor's and associate degree students benefit from collateral anesthesia services.
Dr.Eisa Bilehjani
Head of Department