Division of General Medicine
Dear patients,
dear colleagues,
ladies and gentlemen,
General Internal Medicine group as a part of the Internal Medicine department plays important therapeutic , educational and research role . As the fact that we are a referral center in the northwest of IRAN , our ward always has had undeniable , effect on providing various therapeutic services for in patients with serious internal medicine problems for many years .
We also provide specialized services for patients with multiorgan involvement disease , so we think general Internal word has main role as supporting ward for emergency ward of center and also sometimes offer post ICU care for many patients .
Educational activities
This ward is the one of most important words for medical education of under graduate medical students .
Internal medicine assistants also train for at least 6 m in the general Internal ward . Some educational programs of our words include morning reports , attending rounds , journal clubs and conferences .
DR.Alireza Ghaffari
Head Of Ward