Department of Neurosurgery 
Dear patients,
dear colleagues,
ladies and gentlemen,
Educational activities of neurosurgery department started by accepting assistants in this field in 1352.Since 1353 by Dr. Saied Panahi’s work the activities in this section have taken a serious form as the only center in the north west of the country. At the beginning, the number of the assistants was one per year. After the end of The Imposed War (between Iran and Iraq) every year two or three residents have been accepted and therefore, more than 90 people have been graduated in this field from the neurosurgery department. This section was at first under the supervision of allocated surgeries’ section but later they have worked under pedagogic department of neurosurgery including three sections (Neurosurgery, ICU neurosurgery, Trauma) in two educational - medical centers of Imam Reza and Shohada hospitals. For the time being, it has 10 faculty members and 4 residents are being accepted every years. According to the educational regulations, general medicine period does not include the medicine student (trainee or intern).This department has Various collaborations in the field of health care services such as cerebral and spinal tumors, congenital malformation, specific variety of traumatic injuries and cerebrovascular disorders. Every year, the dissertations of various research projects in the mentioned fields are done and become authoritative scientific articles.
Prof.Firooz Salehpour
Head of department